• about Faery Ink Press

  • About the books

  • ordering from the website

Do you take submissions?

I get asked this a lot!

Not right now, I’m afraid. I am a one-woman, one-author press. Publishing others is something I’m working toward and I may expand Faery Ink Press in the future to accommodate this. But that can only happen if people continue to show interest in the brand.

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How did Faery Ink Press start?

You can read a more in-depth history here. I always knew I wanted to be a writer, but it was in university that I started researching alternatives to traditional publishing. I’d submitted manuscripts to publishers with encouraging results, but I wanted to see if I could publish myself and actually be successful. I took a publishing course at Humber College, where I made lots of friends and filled in the gaps in my publishing knowledge. Then, in 2011, I published my debut novel, Within.

When will your next book be out?

Voices In Her Song (Sparkstone Saga #5) will be out in September 2021.

Wingtorn, my fantasy serial podcast, has moved to a seasonal format. The third season will be out in July 2021.

I have a handful of stand-alone books and two new series simmering in the back of my brain for 2022 and beyond.

Please check the blog or the Facebook page for updates!

Who does your covers?

My partner, David. The Sparkstone Saga covers are illustrated by Bramasta Aji.

I'm a book blogger/reviewer. Can I receive a review copy?

Sure! But:

  • You have to contact me with your website/blog.
  • I only give out eBook copies for review. Physical books are extremely expensive to ship.
  • I reserve the right to grant or deny any review request (just because you ask, doesn’t mean you shall receive).

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