A successful weekend, even with the bizarre blizzard and the “down” year. Also, a new book! And many life updates!
May 7, 2019
How I sell my young adult fiction novels in person at comic conventions, book festivals, and craft shows!
Hey there!
I've developed a WHOLE NEW site where I write about my experiences marketing and selling my books, including my write-ups on my online book marketing activities. If that sounds interesting, head on over to cmarshallpublishing.com. All of my new post-mortems from 2021 onward will be posted there.
Below are my book selling experiences from 2013 to 2019. Enjoy!
May 7, 2019
A successful weekend, even with the bizarre blizzard and the “down” year. Also, a new book! And many life updates!
January 10, 2019
In which I share some advice about doing trade shows, craft fairs, and conventions!
November 26, 2018
A GREAT turnout from Moncton! Plus, a year-end wrap-up of my performance and things to improve.
November 6, 2018
This show broke all previous sales records. Also, I plan and execute a successful 10×10 display!
September 27, 2018
A strong fourth year at Edmonton Expo.
September 20, 2018
Saskatoon showed up in a big way this year! Also, I stayed in a cool house.
September 4, 2018
My biggest show of the year, done! But was it worth it? This is the first of three shows I’m doing with my group of friends!
August 22, 2018
Animethon – oh you know, just another day at the office…
August 6, 2018
First time to Montreal! Tasty food, good friends, but also thieves.
June 26, 2018
My last of 3 shows in 30 days, complete! First show in Toronto, second-ever anime show, and an unexpected neighbour experience.
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