This is a fantasy serial podcast. You can read or listen to the story. Start at the beginning, at Chapter 1, Book 1.

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He inhaled sharply and pursed her lips—her eyes suddenly wide as she stared right at him. “I tried…and I wasn’t fast enough…”
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Chapter 14


Riona steered Connor and Ollivan away from the river, deeper into the forest, to an intimidatingly cramped clearing. There, the trees were thinner and more tightly packed, but at least the ground was level. Tall grass reached Connor’s midriff and under Riona’s quiet instruction, they scythed it from the ground. A difficult, dangerous task in the dark; necessary to create a small fire. Ollivan made a feeble attempt to find kindling. With every footfall, every time Ollivan swore at nothing, or rustled the surrounding greenery, or picked up a twig, Connor became more tense. More bandits—or anyone else—could be hiding, waiting for them to let down their guard. He swung his knife cautiously. Deliberately.

Riona bumped into him constantly as she misjudged her movements in the darkness. He found and took her arm to steady her. She stiffened.

“Sorry,” he said and released her.

“No,” she replied. “It’s just—”

About Wingtorn

Wingtorn is a young adult fantasy serial podcast written and performed by Clare C. Marshall. Each episode is a different chapter of the story. There are multiple “books” (or in podcasting lingo – seasons) in Wingtorn. They all follow a continuing young adult fantasy story. It’s best to start at the beginning with Arrival, Chapter 1.

You can also read the text version here(Note: there are some minor differences between the text & the audio version, so it’s not a perfect read-along, but it’s close enough!).

How to Listen to this Podcast

  • Each episode is listed on the Wingtorn main page.
  • Download/stream Wingtorn from your favourite podcatcher, such as SpotifyApple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.
  • Don't miss another episode.

    I'll let you know when the next chapter is out!
