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This is a fantasy serial podcast. You can read or listen to the story. Start at the beginning on Chapter 1, Book 1.

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In Chapter 7, in the past, Nora, Donnach, and Brendan celebrate their victory. Fingal struggles to hide the truth about his new charge. Riona gets a new name.
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Chapter 7


Fifteen Years Ago

With the capital retaken, and the Evil Queen slain, the day was won.

Citizen’s Brigade fighters and Imperial Guards alike were joined in song and celebration around the campfires in Azara Forest, sharing ales, swapping stories, making future plans. The happy soldiers and liberated slaves were beacons of joy in this long night.
Fingal wished he could share in the jubilation….

Read the rest by downloading Arrival (Wingtorn #1) here.

About Wingtorn

Wingtorn is a young adult fantasy serial podcast written and performed by Clare C. Marshall. Each episode is a different chapter of the story. There are multiple “books” (or in podcasting lingo – seasons) in Wingtorn. They all follow a continuing young adult fantasy story. It’s best to start at the beginning with Arrival, Chapter 1.

You can also read the text version here(Note: there are some minor differences between the text & the audio version, so it’s not a perfect read-along, but it’s close enough!).

How to Listen to this Podcast

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